Kamis, 29 September 2016

Plantar Fascitiis

Natural plantar fasciitis relief
Circulation is the key to healing anything in the body.
Every cell needs a constant stream of blood flow in order to receive nutrients and remove waste. With proper circulation, the cells keep our tissues happy and healthy.

Natural healing is based on the idea that if cells can get what they need, they will be able to repair damaged tissue. Ligaments and tendons have a somewhat limited blood flow when compared to muscles and skin. The skin and muscles heal relatively quickly, partially due to the larger blood supply to the cells. Since plantar fasciitis affects ligaments and tendons, the healing time can take longer because of the limited blood flow.

Two natural remedies for healing plantar fasciitis:
Contrasting foot baths.
Castor Oil Pack
Contrasting foot bath
Alternating hot and cold foot soaks greatly increases the blood flow right to the affected area!

dishpans for plantar fasciitisHere is how to do it:

 Make two foot baths, one with hot water, and the other with cold water.
You can use two dishpans. These are usually big enough for your foot.
Alternate soaking the affected foot in each bath for a short time only to avoid burning or freezing.
Start with cold, and end with cold.
Dip the foot five times:  cold-hot-cold-hot-cold. This really creates tons of circulation!

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